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Merchant account application

To provide you with the best possible solution for your business needs we start with an application. By completing this application you are in no way obligated to follow through with opening your account. We use this simply as a way to get to know more about both you and your business.

Please complete the application below so that we may provide you with the product or service you need. This is not a contract, but an introduction that allows us to service you.

Your first name: «
Your last name: «
Company name: «
Your job in this company: «
Company email address: «
Confirm this email address: «
Company phone number: «
Company fax number: «
Street address: «
City: «
State/Province: «
Zip/Postal code: «
Country: «
Years in business: «
Do you have a web site: Yes    No «
Web address (URL): «
Type of Website: «
Description of business:
Average sale amount: «
Estimated monthly sales: «
Desired Currencies:
Are you currently processing: Yes    No «
Current processor:
Can you provide past processing statements: Yes    No

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